So how did I decide on Istanbul? Did I recklessly pick a city on the map to discover, hardly. 😏. I had to go for a wedding in India. Normally I would do just that, trip to homeland and back but this time I decided to be adventurous? Foolish? At that time I was being foolishly adventurous, and every family , I believe, needs to travel together and go through stuff together to be close, is what I thought. This was before. Now as they say hind sight is 20/20. Here's what I think, traveling with kids is always unexpected, yet it must be done, just so they can be resilient, and learn to be a little out of their comfort zone. I got a great deal on tickets to Greece and decided to go to Istanbul from there, on my way back from India. Yeah I said that. I didn't just say it, rinsed and repeated it to my bewildered other half and kids. 'Coz Going to India wasn't enough, going to Greece wasn't cutting it, I needed to schedule another trip in the three weeks of winter br...