Not NOR-Easter!

Pre Nor'Easter:

For the one's not familiar with the term NorEaster here's how google decides on the definition:

How do I describe it? My jury is still undecided.

Child 1: No school, yeah!!
Child 2: Will we loose power?
Me: Yes, but we have a FM Radio for entertainment
Child 1: Wat is FM?
Child 2: But we don't live in a toll booth, that's who listens to it.
Me: We will bond over candle-lights
Child 1 & Child 2: We wanna go back to school.

I look at my nearly empty fridge and go to the supermarket pre- Noreaster. Big Mistake! If you've never been to a supermarket pre any-Easter, you never should. You should know better,  I should know better, but to err is ME. The parking a mile from the supermarket should've alerted me to the pre -apocalyptic pandemonium that was "ShopRite". I get in, and see lines forming for aisles. "I have to get flashlight, milk and eggs, I can express lane it", I think. All the 50 vareities of eggs are gone, none intact anyways. No water, or flashlights found, I grab the last of Birthday Candles and cookies (I'll need something to tide me through people)๐Ÿ˜€, the express lane isn't that. There's literally all of my town buying groceries in that lane, I see my neighbor and my kids teacher all in the same line as me, and the cop who wrote me a ticket in the lane across ( he was polite, he said "Have a good day" as he wrote me $100 ticket๐Ÿ˜’. I didn't.) While in the check out line, I get texts on what is still needed, I leave my line 4 times to get snacks and drinks, to the annoyance of Diana behind me, she was tired of holding my spot. She said at the fourth time , "Bring a list" and pointed to her handwritten list. I so badly wanted to say, but I was only here to buy flashlight, milk and eggs. I turned off my phone and payed and walked a mile back to my car.


6:00 AM: My entire under 18 household is up. This is the same household who at 6.30 AM is too tired to wake up and get dressed for school.

6:30 AM: We want Breakfast.

7:00 AM: We're bored.

8:00 AM: We're Bored.
Me: How about that Homework?


Next, I text my single friends to see what they're up to, 'coz my category is too miserable wholly; to respond to random texts, if the house isn't on fire. Only one responds. 

Me: How is it going? How much snow?
Her: I donno, haven't been out, ordered Chinese and catching up on the Bachelor.
Me: Oh, didn't he change his mind on which one he wants to be with?
Her: I hate you, I just watched the third episode.

Line goes dead.

Every channel predicted snow totals of 6-12 inches of snow. That is weird. It's like saying you could maybe probably get twice the amount of snow, we don't know, we're off by fifty percent, but it's all OK. Just stay off the roads. And pray u don't loose power, and if you heathens loose power, you're on your own. Until the roads are plowed, and then what is the point anyways. If nothing else, these are subtle reminders of the sheltered world we live in. 'Coz if the only thing that you're praying for is to not loose power and not World Peace you live in a bubble that needs to break. 

Post Nor'Easter:

As the school decided to close another day, as a bonus to the harried parents, Just Kiddin'. Love the bonding, what did I after days of mulling on the existential crisis of  civilization, etc. (symptoms of too much indoor time) Do?  Head to the mall of course. Retail Therapy can cure most things, Bleak, Almost. If you're rich. As I was trying to inactively avoid buying clothes I may not need. I see this:

Girl Scout Cookie pairing with wine? Somehow seems a lil weird, something so innocent and wholesome paired with Wine. Maybe that's just me and my perception, but Girl Scout cookies I associate with cute lil girls standing outside "Shoprite" selling cookies, or my boss subtlety hinting that I need to buy the thin mints from her lil angel's troop. Never as a wine pairing. Call me a cookie prude, but I like something's in their original context better. 

Life and Nor'Easter is always that-unpredictable. No matter how prepared I am it seems - it seems to fall short. BTW, we got about 8 inches of snow, so maybe the snow reports weren't off, too much- for the time being at least. 


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