Not NOR-Easter!

Pre Nor'Easter: For the one's not familiar with the term NorEaster here's how google decides on the definition: How do I describe it? My jury is still undecided. Child 1: No school, yeah!! Child 2: Will we loose power? Me: Yes, but we have a FM Radio for entertainment Child 1: Wat is FM? Child 2: But we don't live in a toll booth, that's who listens to it. Me: We will bond over candle-lights Child 1 & Child 2: We wanna go back to school. I look at my nearly empty fridge and go to the supermarket pre- Noreaster. Big Mistake! If you've never been to a supermarket pre any-Easter, you never should. You should know better, I should know better, but to err is ME. The parking a mile from the supermarket should've alerted me to the pre -apocalyptic pandemonium that was ...