ID - And Clues to finding it
"Ma'm Can I have your ID please", the freckled teenager behind the checkout desk at the drugstore asked me. Since when do I look eighteen? fleetingly flattered, yet perplexed, that he called me Ma'm. Before asking for ID. Somehow, this kid didn't seem like the cynical ladies at the Macy's beauty and perfumes counter at the mall, cornering me to buy that expensive nighttime cream. "Do you need any help?", Liz asked, looking at me as she would a frumpy alien. All I wanted was to smell the roses in that perfume that promised me "Romance" and "Diamonds". "I'm not sure.." I blurted, Liz looked at me with "Gone Girl" eyes, before putting me in front of a magnifying mirror that highlighted that and all the other things that were alarmingly wrong with my face. She looked mortified and bewildered at my state of being and whispered to me surreptitiously, not ostensibly wanting to embarrass me, "You Need to take...